Sunday, June 19, 2011

31 Weeks

31 weeks and all is well.  Except my back.  It is not always well.  But it could be much worse, and I realize that, so I'm counting my blessings.

We've had some interesting weather this week.  Storms are in the area again tonight, and we saw some clouds today that resembled some I saw earlier in the week leaving downtown: 
We started our childbirth classes this week as well.  There are only 3 other couples in our class, so we get to miss next week and only have to go a total of 4 times.  So far so good -- we had an intro to pain management this week. Chad will also be taking a boot camp for new dads class and we'll both be taking infant CPR in July.

We've had a nice weekend.  Yesterday Chad made more progress on sanding the rocking chair, and we ordered the crib. The one we really wanted and have been trying to order is apparently "frozen" so we decided to just go with a different model rather than wait it out any longer.  It should come in by the weekend of the fourth, when we'll be transforming the guest room into the baby's room.  We also had dinner with my high school friend and her husband and daughter again last night.  It's so great to be reconnected with so many old friends.

Today we hiked at the Chatauqua in Boulder, which we plan to do again when the family is in town next weekend.  It was great -- up close and personal views of the flatirons and lots of pine trees to wind through going up the mountain.  If you are wondeirng what a Chatauqua is, I took a helpful picture for you:

Despite the hike, and a long neighborhood hike yesterday, Lacy was a bit of a spaz for picture time tonight: 

And then she calmed down:

And then she REALLY calmed down:

I'm still feeling pretty good overall, for being 7 months along.  He's still moving regularly and seems pretty happy. However, I think he's about to do some serious growing because my appetite has increased. For instance, today I was thinking a milkshake sounded pretty good after the hike, so we went to Red Robin for lunch, where I downed a "monster" chocolate milkshake, WITH the metal cup refill, in about 5 minutes.  And then I ate a chicken sandwich and salad.  And that was only about four hours ago and I'm pretty excited about steak dinner already. :-)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

30 Weeks

We are now counting down in single digit week increments!  Won't be long now. 

We've had a great week and a productive weekend.  Chad started sanding down and staining my great-grandma's antique washstand we'll be using as a changing table, and his sister's rocking chair.  We are pretty excited about having these family heirlooms in the baby's room.  We're staining them a dark cherry/mahogany color, which will look great with the wall hanging my grandma is working on and the light greens in our crib bedding.

Summer is finally here and we've been loving summer in Denver so far!  Not missing the humidity at all.
Here are this week's belly shots:
. . .AND now for the 3D ultrasound shots. We have about 80 to choose from, so these are just a sample.  It was a great experience and I'm really glad we did it.  We also have a DVD of the entire scan, so it's cool to be able to watch him move around when we want.  He was pretty laid back throughout, and really didn't want to move his right hand from his mouth.  But that's okay -- I'm hoping it's just a sneak peak of his laid back mentality.  (Ha!) 

The Thinker/Gun Show

We have no idea who he favors more at this point -- in fact we can kind of see a bit of both of us.  And we think he's pretty cute.  :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

29 Weeks

The big news this week is I passed my 1 hour glucose test, which means no sign of gestational diabetes, and therefore more ice cream for me!  I was pretty concerned about this test, even though I have no risk factors, just because my sugar consumption has been high (for me) this entire pregnancy.  But I didn't even have to go back for the 3 hour test, so all is good.  Here is a pic from work on Wednesday:
We've had a good week otherwise.  My 28 week check-up went fine and I'm still measuring right on track.  I also had my rogham shot for my O- blood type -- that's the first time I've had a shot in the bootie that I can remember.  As the doctor said, that's the last thing we really "do" before the baby starts indicating he wants to arrive.  We are having an elective 3D ultrasound this coming Saturday, so hopefully we'll have some cool pics to share next weekend.  Yesterday we went for a really nice hike up North Table Rock mountain, which was a 30% or so incline to get up there, and then nice panoramic views at the top.  Here we are at the top:
And here are some paragliders we saw as we were driving home:

And here is another set of unflattering belly shots - we spent a little time at the pool this afternoon and I haven't really cleaned up since.  It was in the low 90s, but without the humidity it's almost chilly when you get out of the pool here.  No complaints here!  I am now entering the whale stage of pregnancy, apparently: