Yep, still pregnant. But now when people ask when he's coming, I can say "two weeks! Two weeks!" (That's from The Money Pit.) We are still doing just fine, but this week I have finally started feeling PREGNANT. This weekend I've felt pretty good, but Thursday and Friday I was pretty run down and uncomfortable. But my firm went to a Rockies game (in an air conditioned suite) on Wednesday so it wasn't a bad week overall. We go to the doctor again on Tuesday, so we'll see if we're making any more progress.
This weekend we had NO plans, except for a haircut and meeting our dog sitter for the big event this morning. We saw a movie (Crazy, Stupid Love) yesterday afternoon, and did a lot of walking. It's been making me feel a little better so we took two yesterday and one this morning, just around our neighborhood. It's been in the mid-90s and sunny, and although there's no humidity, it's just too hot for me to be on trails these days. Lacy has very much appreciated the attention and exercise.
We picked up a baby book yesterday, and Chad found his baby book which I have really enjoyed looking through. Here are some highlights:
These are some serious milestones for the baby to live up to! |
One lucky boy got some PLASTIC PANTS for his birthday! |
A preview of what's to come? |
Here's the belly pic from this week. The clerk at Borders yesterday could NOT believe I am two weeks away from my due date, but I don't know what she was smoking.
We finally found my very special teddy bear, who has been with me since my early days. Now the nursery feels complete.